Thursday, June 28, 2007

Welcome to the CHPC Guatemala Blog!

Greetings and welcome to your virtual participation in the 2007 Guatemala Mission Trip. Throughout our week in Guatemala, Jerry Van Marter (with help from other mission trippers) will be posting words and Ian Husk (with help from other mission trippers) will be posting photographs.
Our desire is to bring CHPC to our Guatemalan brothers and sisters and to bring our Guatemalan brothers and sisters to all CHPCers.
We'd love to hear your "real-time" responses to what you see here, so please feel free to respond.
May God be with us there and may God be with you here.

(left to right in photo at right) Ben Langley (not going, alas and alack), Ian Husk, Doug Yeager, Stephanie Gregory, Luke Van Marter, Perry Chang, Ada Asenjo-Bartlett, Jane Larsen Wigger, Vince Mathews, Sandra Duverge, Kate Husk, Gabe Duverge, Soni Castleberry, Douglass Yeager, Eva Stimson, Natalie Rich, Rachel Van Marter, Andrea Pauw, Daniela Bartlett, Jerry Van Marter.


Marcia Myers said...

Best wishes to all of you for a great experience. We will be praying for you!

Kate Anyan said...

Have a safe trip!

Martha J. Miller said...

Martha Miller (mother of Perry Chang)
Thank you for creating this blog. I look forward to following your week in Guatemala.